
By PartyPoop - 28/08/2021 02:00

Today, at my gender reveal party, my daughter threw a huge temper tantrum and knocked over tables and chairs screaming, “Fuck this shit!” when the reveal came out pink. She’s five. FML
I agree, your life sucks 423
You deserved it 1 194

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jeremy Strang 7

100% deserved for having an obnoxious "gender reveal" party.

BatCatTaco 13

Why is it that people have gender reveal parties, but then let the child choose their gender?


If she was a few years older, she would have said the same thing when you announced you were having a gender reveal party. For now, find out who taught the newly potty-trained to be newly potty-mouthed.

Jeremy Strang 7

100% deserved for having an obnoxious "gender reveal" party.

Right?!?! It is completely indicative of the kind of person they are and how they raise their kids

LMAOOO you better sleep with one eye open!! At 5 years old she's already acting like that? Watch your back!!

At least she didn't start a wildfire ... as far as you know.

BatCatTaco 13

Why is it that people have gender reveal parties, but then let the child choose their gender?

TomeDr 24

Gee, I wonder where she learn this behavior from. Hint: look in the mirror.

Warp1978 15

My daughter did this when she realised that she wasn't getting a sister. Three years on and their best buds. Don't take this too hard

phybreawptic 13

Or maybe your daughter realizes how pointless those parties are and had reached her limit at that time.