Sharing is caring

By Lorna - 06/04/2023 22:00

Today, I got a 15% pay raise. My parents responded by saying, “Congratulations! You can now forget about online shopping packages coming in on a weekly basis and start chipping in for rent and utilities!” FML
I agree, your life sucks 231
You deserved it 1 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you are beginning to do well in your job or career, it’s time to be thinking about getting your own place. It’s not about money, it’s about establishing your own life. There will be expenses and problems from time to time, but there are rewards in living on your own terms.


If you are beginning to do well in your job or career, it’s time to be thinking about getting your own place. It’s not about money, it’s about establishing your own life. There will be expenses and problems from time to time, but there are rewards in living on your own terms.

Lolamae 9

This is why you never tell anyone what you’ve got

Time to leave. I know in this economy it's easier said than done, but if your parents' insistence to financially chip in is a problem for you, it's time to explore your options.

ODBeefalo 10

If you work and live with people, then yes, you should be chipping in. I was paying rent to my parents a few months out of high-school. I got 6 months to find a job and start paying rent until I went to college, then when I graduated I payed rent again until I got my own place. Given actual rent rates I see around my area, I would stay a long as you can handle and save as much money as you can.

You're lucky they aren't charging you for rent and utilities already. Most parents do. You better learn real quick that online shopping comes AFTER the priorities, i.e. bills, are paid.

You allready had an income and didnt pay anything? Then you should not complain, your parents dont need to support you and If you have an income you should pay thats how the real world works. My parents was divirced and my mother had me pay but my father didnt, i spent most time with my mom, she was tough on me and i didnt like it but it did teach me important lessons that i didnt realise at the time but now Im thankful for as it tought me to take responsibility. If you dont wanna pay your parents then move to your own place and see how that works out for you.