
By Wolf - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Trinidad and Tobago

Today, while sitting next to me, my boyfriend sent a text to one of his "friends" saying, "I'm thinking of you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 859
You deserved it 2 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This one can be taken two ways. 1. He's a cheater 2. Something bad happened in his friends life Hard to know everything

derekjeter92 0


blueangels7901 0

Geez, Number 5, are you truly that naive? Yes, COMPLETE idiots exist in male form, it's the Y chromosome doing the thinking. I certainly hope Wolf dumped that loser. Sometimes a person is better off single than in a relationship with a half-wit.

stop stereotyping men not all men are like that

I'm just wondering if that "Y-Chromosone"'s friend is ANOTHER Y-Chromosone. That would be awkward.

I'm just wondering how 2 is replying to 5

karina_fml 0

WOW!!! You should break-up wit him...then beat the SHIT outta that "friend" of his...honestly if he thinks your not good enough y the **** is he with you...Hes a prick and doesn't deserve you ( in my opinion)

sevazilla 21

Really? What if it was actually his friends? Ever thought of that?

derekjeter92 0

This one can be taken two ways. 1. He's a cheater 2. Something bad happened in his friends life Hard to know everything

Atomic_Ninja 0

It could go a 4rd way... one of my friends say that he loces them when ever leaving. even strangers...

Exactly what I was going to say, his friend could be in hospital or going through a bad time.

What if he just got reminded of something that happened to him and one of his friends? Does he have to only ever think about you because you're a selfish prick? Here's an idea: The world doesn't revolve around you. GSAD.

i could believe it. my guy friends say shit like that to each other, (as in, to my other guy friends) all the damn time, to be funny. then we all have a good laugh and it's done. don't assume the wrost; assuming makes an ass out of you.

darkstar310 0

hahahahha that's just bad timing...