Social media poisoning

By fuck tiktok - 13/06/2022 18:00

Today, my coworkers have decided I'm a racist. Not because I started shouting racist slurs or something, but because I used to be a server, and they saw a TikTok video that said that all servers are secretly racist. Since it's on TikTok, it's obviously true, right? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 091
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if they had any knowledge about thing, almost everyone has some level of implicit bias and most of us are racist, even if unintentionally. So it isn’t that “servers are racist,” it’s that human beings are racist. The problem is that some people pretend not to be, and end up doing racist things unintentionally and some openly embrace and encourage that racism.


Well, if they had any knowledge about thing, almost everyone has some level of implicit bias and most of us are racist, even if unintentionally. So it isn’t that “servers are racist,” it’s that human beings are racist. The problem is that some people pretend not to be, and end up doing racist things unintentionally and some openly embrace and encourage that racism.

The problem for servers is there are stereotypes about how some groups tip. Some might feel clinging to those stereotypes is good for business.

I don't even think it's racism, it's tribalism. I was born in a low income area, and I trust the people like me, skin colour wasn't the issue, circumstance was the important part. race is just the easier defining factor for a "tribe mentality" since it has been a major dividing line for neighborhoods a long time. but I am no sociologist.