Sorry guys

By Lunar-Spice - 02/02/2022 01:59 - United States - Midlothian

Today, I tested positive for Covid. Not only do I feel absolutely miserable, but I was at work all day yesterday, interacting with the public. Also, the day before that, I hung out at a friend's house with a 3-month-old infant. If any one of them get Covid, it's my fault. FML
I agree, your life sucks 921
You deserved it 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AzraelAngelus 15

My sister got 7 people sick when she infected them with Covid. One had to spend time in the hospital due to the severity of there sickness

Nikki 16

For everyone asking about the mask, do you wear a mask at all of your family and friends places? If you were unwell and even suspected you had covid at these places then sure it’s your fault, if you felt fine and then tested positive after visiting them then just like everyone else you aren’t to blame. By your logic the person that gave it to you is really to blame if they all get it.


AzraelAngelus 15

My sister got 7 people sick when she infected them with Covid. One had to spend time in the hospital due to the severity of there sickness

if you were wearing a mask and taking the usual precautions during your interactions, then that stinks. if you were unmasked, especially around a BABY then poo on you

the baby is highly unlikely to get sick, no variation of covid has had much effect on younger children. Without wanting to start a flame war: I hope you are vaccinated; it may not prevent infection completely, but you are _far_ less likely to become truly sick.

Pink_Turnips 14

vaccinated or not, you can still carry and spread the virus... hopefully there were precautions taken however

safety of the child will always be the parents job.

randybryant799 20

Have you been wearing a mask? I certainly hope so. If not then you are definitely responsible for whoever gets sick. .

Nikki 16

For everyone asking about the mask, do you wear a mask at all of your family and friends places? If you were unwell and even suspected you had covid at these places then sure it’s your fault, if you felt fine and then tested positive after visiting them then just like everyone else you aren’t to blame. By your logic the person that gave it to you is really to blame if they all get it.

if your asking me then yes, yes I do. including but not limited to my daily 2-3 hr walk at the park playing pokemon go, when someone else is in the car, visiting anywhere, or just simple being outside. When I got covid the first time it felt like I was dying and I should have gone to the doctors but I wasn't insured at the time but my oxygen consistently measured around the low 60s and one time I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for air and I felt like I was drowning but surprisingly I managed to get through it but I had to sleep upright for a while. therefore, I shall use mask everywhere and yes I have the vaccine but that shit is scary yo.

Nikki 16

If your oxygen was measuring in the 60s most of the time you would have a brain injury

I said consistently not most of the time but who knows maybe I did get some sort of brain injury that I'm not aware of since iv yet to go to the hospital. since then I have pain in my chest area from time to time and I get more headaches.

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I'm so sick of anti-maskers. It's been TWO YEARS.