Spooky season

By fishyrael - 13/10/2022 00:00 - United States - East Lansing

Today, I took a nap before work. I had a harrowing nightmare in which I was chased by a murderer and the ghosts of his victims at my job. I then woke up to go to work, where I work the night shift, completely alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 921
You deserved it 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure there's no such things as ghosts of murder victims who haunt people who work alone at night. Well, I'm pretty sure. Anyways, I'm sure they don't have axes and knives and swords to cause you actual harm. Um, I'm not really sure about that, either.

cooltatgar 31

That's a nightmare inducing kind of a job. Try podcasts or audio books, on a loud speaker, to keep you company.


I'm sure there's no such things as ghosts of murder victims who haunt people who work alone at night. Well, I'm pretty sure. Anyways, I'm sure they don't have axes and knives and swords to cause you actual harm. Um, I'm not really sure about that, either.

cooltatgar 31

That's a nightmare inducing kind of a job. Try podcasts or audio books, on a loud speaker, to keep you company.