Still not calling it X

By twitterfailsme - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Israel - Rishon Le Zion

Today, I googled myself in preparation for my upcoming job interview. Turns out there's a girl on Twitter with my name and age who tweets nonstop about getting wasted and being on probation. She won't make her profile private. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 497
You deserved it 3 652

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Any employer that's dumb enough to think there's only one person in the world with your name is an employer you don't want to work for anyway.

Black0ut247 5

I'm sure you could explain the situation to employers


buttcramp 21

yeah I agree this sucks but honestly I think you're gonna be fiiiine with this interview and stop thinking like thisss. you need confidence for this interview.

xpokeloverx 6

I don't think school will take him again. You have to be half way smart to be there

That's not a huge deal...your names may match yes but simply put it's not you...

xpokeloverx 6

8born8 is 25. This is really sad.

Don't worry too much about it.... yeah it sucks but I'm wondering why people think the OP deserves it.....?

Make a professional twitter account and put it on your resume. State that you can use it to generate positive publicity for the company.

Should I say it? I'm surprised nobody has said it. Screw it, I'll say it. "I'm losing faith in humanity."

xpokeloverx 6

I already told my husband I lost faith in humanity because of 8born8 -_-

Wow, thanks for the love guys. Ok I was wrong. I'm big enough and ugly enough to admit it. There's nothing like looking after a screaming 9mth old and functioning on a grand total of 3hrs sleep in 2days to keep your mind as sharp as a tack. I wish I could go back to 3rd grade, life was so much more easy and carefree then. Oh and as for the name calling and insults? Pfft, I cop that everyday already, you just happen to be first cab off the rank today.