Straight to jail

By WTF Mom - 21/05/2018 01:30

Today, I discovered the reason my 12-year-old brother has been anxious and afraid of cops for the last 6 months. My crazy mother convinced him that porn is illegal and comes with a death penalty. She did the same thing to me when I was his age. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 045
You deserved it 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would just explain to your brother that's not the case. No reason he should be terrified of a natural curiosity that a large majority of people have also been curious about.


blightsight 10

same can be said for your parents for raising a brony.

I would just explain to your brother that's not the case. No reason he should be terrified of a natural curiosity that a large majority of people have also been curious about.

It just makes the **** that much hotter! The fact that it’s shameful and dirty makes it infinitely more exciting than watching an anatomy video.

Makes me wonder if he now sneaks into the neighbors house when they're not there, goes into their basement, covers all the windows and locks all the doors, and than breaks the law.

Lobby_Bee 17

Partially true, when it comes to child ****.

voncrane 23

Excellent point. That too should be explained incase he gets any ideas.. Innocent or not. Should not risk it.

Wow, I agree your life was ******. Fortunately, your brother’s doesn’t have to be because you can tell him that while **** is illegal for those under 18, there’s no penalty. Every boy needs a dad or brother or someone to say, “Jacking off is normal and fun. I did it all the time at your age, and I still do it quite a bit.”

That's a lie. watching **** is not illegal for those under 18. What you're thinking of is child ****, whether it's having access to it, distributing it, or being involved with it, and that's obviously on an adult, no innocent child victim would be punished for that horrendous situation.

Masturbating doesn't equal watching ****. Most of the **** you find on the internet is also quite disturbing not even for children. Maybe the brother can also talk about how **** doesn't reflect sexuality at all.

Donut_Wizard 23

At least chocolate is still legal, right?

That's harsh. I would have just went with the You'll Go Blind excuse.

PenguinPal3017 19

I can't see this comment. What does it say?

It's a link to a medical article up on how excess masturbation can cause cells in your eyes to develop abnormally. leading to poor vision, and eventually blindness.

it says penguinpal has watched way to much hentai

How often can I do it and just need glasses?

manb91uk 22

No wonder sex is seen as something of a taboo in society... Your Moms a knob

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

so he can watch **** but he can't google f*cking laws?

What 12 year old is thinking of googling laws?

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Well don't you think that death penalty because you watched a **** is a biiit extreme? And with that you question that law and then what's dtopping you from googling it?

Yea having the bird and the bees talk with a cop would be pretty dam awkward. Wait... do they even teach kids what they can do and can’t do in society?

“When a detective and a beat cop love each other very much, he gets his ‘gun’ out and...”