Such a Miranda

By Anonymous - 26/12/2022 00:00

Today, I realised that when I was pregnant I had loads of friends, because pregnancy is cute and awesome and empowering, until the baby actually arrived. Then so-called friends don’t want to visit anymore because babies are loud, sticky, poop everywhere, and get in the way of brunch and shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 987
You deserved it 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this is a surprise because? Once you become a parent, it's almost impossible to keep your friends who aren't. You pretty much have nothing in common with them.


Why did the politician cross the road? To get to the other bribe!

And this is a surprise because? Once you become a parent, it's almost impossible to keep your friends who aren't. You pretty much have nothing in common with them.

Brunch and shopping is a lot more fun than babies!

Well, I can understand the friend to keep on smelling the coffee, and not baby poop.