Tailor Swift

By Anonymous - 21/11/2021 07:59

Today, my fiancé has one leg shorter than the other after it was half blown off in the army, and his specially made wedding suit was delivered. They got the leg lengths the wrong way round. The wedding is in two days and he may have to wear his pants backwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 340
You deserved it 89

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So sorry to hear that! First of all, thanks to your fiance for his service. Second of all, I'd definitely file a complaint with the company who sent you the pants. Wearing them backwards may not be the most ideal solution, but it's something at least. The most important thing is that you'll be marrying the one you love. Just don't draw attention to it and I bet no one will even notice. :)

wysegirl 24

let him wear jeans and send it back. if you don't wear it you can sue the sender for the refund. hopefully it doesn't go that far and the company gives you your money back


wysegirl 24

let him wear jeans and send it back. if you don't wear it you can sue the sender for the refund. hopefully it doesn't go that far and the company gives you your money back

I really don't think the money is the issue here

He should wear them backwards and not drink fluids that day, so he won't need to pee. The wedding photos will look great, but he may pass out from dehydration. The risk is worth it!

diraven 15

Tell him to just walk backwards = problem solved

So sorry to hear that! First of all, thanks to your fiance for his service. Second of all, I'd definitely file a complaint with the company who sent you the pants. Wearing them backwards may not be the most ideal solution, but it's something at least. The most important thing is that you'll be marrying the one you love. Just don't draw attention to it and I bet no one will even notice. :)

Someone could cut the legs off at the exact same length and swap them. It wouldn't look perfect but it could still look nice if they do good seams. Don't worry, it sucks now but in 3 years you will look back on this and laugh! The only truly important part is that you both are there!

Feels like the sort of thing you could hire someone to hem, no big deal.