Take the L

By Anonymous - 06/07/2020 17:02

Today, I confessed my feelings to my best friend, how I'm deeply in love with him. The consequence wasn't good, as he told me we should never talk to each other again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 676
You deserved it 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I will never understand why people insist on sharing their feelings with someone who obviously does not reciprocate. ydi

Well the good news is you got yourself out of the friend zone. The bad news is, the friend zone is still just a way of saying that they don’t mind your company but don’t find you attractive. As someone who’s been in the unreciprocated love situation, move on and do your best to stop liking him. At least he was direct. It makes it easier. All you lose pining after someone who’s not interested in you is several months or years of your life and your self-respect.


Well, you really read that one badly. Repressing feelings keeps society functioning. If every woman I wanted to bone knew I wanted to bone her, I'd be getting constantly slapped or boned -- nothing would get done!

I will never understand why people insist on sharing their feelings with someone who obviously does not reciprocate. ydi

and how do you know it was obvious he wasn't into her? this kind of thing happens all the time, were not mind readers. I refuse to believe you've scored with 100% success rate

It usually is. That's how people get to the point of a dramatic confession in the first place -- there was no encouragement, so nothing moved forward, and the confession is basically an attempt to make something happen. Dr. Nerdlove, an advice columnist for the awkwardly lovelorn, advises people in this position to consider if there have been any signs, any at all, that the other person feels the same way. There usually isn't, which tells us what the answer to the confession will almost certainly be.

Well the good news is you got yourself out of the friend zone. The bad news is, the friend zone is still just a way of saying that they don’t mind your company but don’t find you attractive. As someone who’s been in the unreciprocated love situation, move on and do your best to stop liking him. At least he was direct. It makes it easier. All you lose pining after someone who’s not interested in you is several months or years of your life and your self-respect.

ChristopherL98 3

Are you a guy too? I've had gay friends profess their love to me and that was the end of that.

Good thought, but OP used the female icon.