Talk to me

By Anonymous - 16/04/2024 10:00 - United States - Bowling Green

Today, I called the suicide hotline, only to get lectured by a very condescending man. I hung up and called back, only for the other line to pick up and hang up on me immediately. FML
I agree, your life sucks 481
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least they answered for you. They just kept me on hold for 20 min

wrecklesswfire 2


At least they answered for you. They just kept me on hold for 20 min

wrecklesswfire 2
d j mom 5

wow.. that man defeats the whole purpose of the service. you need to call back during a different shift time and ask for a supervisor. they need to know. how many people didn't 'make it' because of him...

Georgina 2

the hotline is a joke. they make people want to self terminate