Teenagers in love

By Anonymous - 24/08/2022 14:00

Today, while preparing for our holiday, I realised I will have my period that week. My husband is now sulking because he thinks I’ll be so grumpy, I’ll ruin the holiday. I’ve had to talk him out of cancelling our flight twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 027
You deserved it 318

Same thing different taste

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In fairness to him, if this is normal for you to have mood swings during periods, or feel down and makes you less of a person for couple of days then he is right to be worried. My periods bring my whole body down, I'm cramping and not feeling my best and can become really short with people. Whenever I plan holidays my first thought is to check the dates to make sure I won't have them. Last time I got them on holidays and I ended up overheated, moody and ruining everyone's holiday as they felt bad leaving me in hotel alone, and I wasn't able to go hiking or beach or a spa. Don't get me wrong I actually encourage them to go and have fun, but if the holiday purpose was to spend quality time together (non sexual) then it is a huge let down. And it isn't even selfish as my man is feeling useless when I'm in pain and on bedrest for days, so he would talk me out of holidays at that time, one because he knows he can't make me feel better but two because he would be alone on holidays doing stuff. I would discuss it with him openly and see how do you normally react to periods, some of us don't see it from the side. Also if this is the reason he is sulking then there has to be some sort of bad experience with you on your period. Here's to hormones and being a woman.

Does he have a reason for thinking so, though? If you being grumpy on your period (ETA: and so grumpy as to make someone else miserable) is a pattern he’s noticed in you specifically rather than a broad assumption he’s making, then he’s allowed to be upset at the unfortunate timing.


In fairness to him, if this is normal for you to have mood swings during periods, or feel down and makes you less of a person for couple of days then he is right to be worried. My periods bring my whole body down, I'm cramping and not feeling my best and can become really short with people. Whenever I plan holidays my first thought is to check the dates to make sure I won't have them. Last time I got them on holidays and I ended up overheated, moody and ruining everyone's holiday as they felt bad leaving me in hotel alone, and I wasn't able to go hiking or beach or a spa. Don't get me wrong I actually encourage them to go and have fun, but if the holiday purpose was to spend quality time together (non sexual) then it is a huge let down. And it isn't even selfish as my man is feeling useless when I'm in pain and on bedrest for days, so he would talk me out of holidays at that time, one because he knows he can't make me feel better but two because he would be alone on holidays doing stuff. I would discuss it with him openly and see how do you normally react to periods, some of us don't see it from the side. Also if this is the reason he is sulking then there has to be some sort of bad experience with you on your period. Here's to hormones and being a woman.

Does he have a reason for thinking so, though? If you being grumpy on your period (ETA: and so grumpy as to make someone else miserable) is a pattern he’s noticed in you specifically rather than a broad assumption he’s making, then he’s allowed to be upset at the unfortunate timing.

Bring your hash oil vape cartridges so you can be Dopey instead of Grumpy. Pro tip: Don't travel to Russia.

mattiagardin 15

Sounds like a man who speaks from experience

Should have planned around your period! But in all seriousness, he's probably just mad because you likely won't be having sex on holiday.

kydubs 2

don’t think that’s the reason he’s worried about on vacation 😂