Thanks, I really appreciate it!

By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 16:39 - United States

Today, I was walking to work and saw three guys sitting at a table outside. One of the guys looks at me and says to his friends, "That's the girl that works at the grocery store. She replaced the hot chick." The other two guys glared at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 956
You deserved it 3 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HorrorByrd 0

Ouch. I would have been like "you're the reason the hot chick left."

kscott88 0

Wow, assholes much? There are these cocky looking guys that I have to pass every day on my way home from work, and I swear, my greatest fear is that one day they're going to hold up scorecards and rate me.


ndanick 4

Well stop being ugly n that wint happen

SVelasquez 0

I don't know what the hell you're speaking, but in the English language "n" and "wint" are not words. I think you mean "in" and "won't". Learn to speak your native tongue before insulting other users, Nicky.

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

Lol. He means "and".. Not "in". :)

testing_fml 0

hahaha she means "and," not "in." tard.

you say that like it's obvious, but it probably isn't to people who don't text-message all the time.

HorrorByrd 0

Ouch. I would have been like "you're the reason the hot chick left."

dinosaursmoo 0

lol. "I_Love_Isms" clearly has no idea what a troll is. And it makes me laugh. OP: that sucks, but these guys are just douchebags, don't let them bother you so much about stupid things like that.

Well usually, trolls are stupid, ignorant and rude. So... maybe I_Love_Isms actually DOES know what a troll is, and was talking to one accordingly... OP: Dayum. That was kinda harsh of 'em, eh? I agree with previous comments: they were likely the reason she left. Ignore them.

fillmyheart028 0
Kite_1 0

You should've at LEAST said something.

kscott88 0

Wow, assholes much? There are these cocky looking guys that I have to pass every day on my way home from work, and I swear, my greatest fear is that one day they're going to hold up scorecards and rate me.

Lol, that would be so funny, but messed up. It would almost be like a click out of a tv show

Well, at least you weren't the one that replaced the hot bra-less weather girl on channel six. Then everyone would hate you.

manoverboard 0
Komatose 0

Didn't that happen to some girl on here?

nanab10 0

there was one where guys rated her and her guy friend, and her guy friend got a higher score.

Just say "yeah, she got a job as a pornstar now, she's in __________" and direct those dudes to some twisted shit.

By hot girl from grocery store, i'm thinking gizz in my pants video?

Ms_Thingie 0

#9 has the perfect solution lol

Thank you, #62, for what has probably been the most ignorant thing I've read within the past three hours.

Thank you for making this world a significantly gayer place to be.

Haha #9 I'm sure the hot chick DID get a job as a pornstar. Everyone's doing it these days! I think that you should've said to the guys that she had herpes and that you would know because you're her girlfriend. That would probably shut them up.

so.......its not like they said u were ugly they just said u were the replacement......the replacement hot chick perhaps!

Why would they be glaring if she was also hot?

Yeah, i think you wen't wrong somewhere Kerrygirl. Although nice try with the optimism.