The biggest lie

By dumb - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that I was held back in preschool because of some developmental issues. My parents didn't think it was important enough to mention it to me. Why hadn't I figured it out? They also lied to me about how old I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 894
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. At least you're a year closer to being able to go out drinking.

Turnabout is fair play. I suggest slipping lots of drugs into their drinks so they fall into a coma and don't wake up for years and then tell them it was only a few days.


Ouch. At least you're a year closer to being able to go out drinking.

i reckon thats the least of his worries..

hmm think he is a little more annoyed at how his Parents are Dicks.

I think SHE is annoyed because you think SHE has a dick :)

T_im_othy 0

I cant believe its not all YDI's! I mean- this is only like the 3rd one I've ever given.....but jesus christ how often do you need your birth certificate for schools and trips the year your born is on there or your learners and drivers license! other members of your family comparing ages. the fact you had more hair under your arms in gym class (assuming a boy ... dont want to get into girly signs or growing up) ... c'mon guys....if you cant figure that out YDI

Nobody has ever known that a birth certificate can be faked. Oh wait.

more hair? really? you dont seem to realize that not everybody's body matures at the exact same time.

jeanii_fml 4

@ 69 SHE may not have even gotten her license yet, you don't know how old she is. I'm fourteen and I've never seen my birth certificate. And just because she's a little older, doesn't mean any changes will make it obvious she's older. I know many girls who just develop early.

thats what i was thinking. but, what if that means you could have been drinking a year earlier than you did. or driving. ha. your life is ******.

What does drinking have to do with anything? Why is that even something to look forward to? Arent there better things?

@#69 I dont understand how this is her fault....seriously...Yeah, its not that big a deal, but its still a shock. If i found out i was older or younger and my parents have been lying abt tht, then i wud wonder wat else they lied not technically FYL but definitely not YDI

sugarbabyxoxo 2

there was an episode like this in everybody loves raymond...did it have anything to do with cutting paper?

I really don't think you understand what just happened

Same here. 14, never seen my birth certificate for school trips

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ugh #2 how does that make him a loser. Don't know about you but when my parents tell me something, such as my age, i don't assume their lying

Still. I had a reason by age 10 to see my birth certificate. By 16 a couple more came up, including a passport. How could you have not have looked at your birth certificate by the time it matters?

There could be lot's of reasons. She's not you, move on

Please stop rambling onigiriqueen. Before the age of 16, your parents are meant to fill out the application for your passport. I've only seen my birth certificate once (when applying for a bank account) and even then I didn't really LOOK at it. Most kids haven't seen their birth certificate, so please learn to shut up when you're wrong.

I'm with you, #2. I had definitely seen my birth certificate before 16. Probably around 10 or 11. Plus, plenty of other stuff has your DOB on it, even without a driver's license or passport.

Just because you saw yours doesn't mean other people would've seen there's. The OP could still be in their early teens and what do you NEED in the way of ID when you're 13?

Who looks at their birth certificate? Seriously And OP that is CRAZY.

bnwranbo 2

I'll be 16 next month.. i've only had the CHANCE to see my birth certificate ONCE & i didn't bother actually *looking* at it...

The first time I saw my Birth Certificate was because I was 16, and getting a job, and didn't have an ID yet... most parents tend to not hand them out. 'Oh, here ya go, proof that you were born and that we aren't lying to you'? There isn't really a point... and most parents keep them put up safely, unless its necessary to get out for some reason. Also, most kids aren't innately paranoid, so usually have no reason to really /care/ to look at their Birth Certificate. Its typically a piece of paper relaying facts they already know... except in the OP's case.

I don't know where my parents keep my birth certificate, and I really don't care either. The only time I had it in my possession was when I went to the DMV for the first time, and I didn't even look at it. I was playing my GBA! :o

guys maybe the parents, i dont know, really lied about the date of birth? like MAKE A FAKE BIRTH CERTIFICATE? im not saying that happened, but it could. FYL

im 16 and have NEVER seen my birth certificate. im worried i may not have one....but im sure my parents have it somewhere...

The first time I saw my birth certificate was when I was 21 and getting married...

... ummm okay #2, she's the loser? you looked up your birth certificate to find out if you or your twin was older!! Really - too much time on your hands

I'm 24 and am not sure if I have ever seen my birth certificate. I think I've seen a photograph of it... I have no desire to see it, either. It's a friggin' piece of paper with a date and a few words on it with no significance whatsoever to me.

madzi 0

I was held back in preschool, too. I am actually in the Talented and Gifted class at my school. It sucks that your parents lied about your age, though.

evi661 0

I'm 15 and I never laid eyes on my birth certificate.

omg thats mean as. but seriousally who hasent seen there birthcertificat, all well u learn something new everyday

Mads_1234 28

Turnabout is fair play. I suggest slipping lots of drugs into their drinks so they fall into a coma and don't wake up for years and then tell them it was only a few days.

zee209 0

That sucks. How old were you when you found out she was lying about your age?

i suppose you have seen the movie "almost famous". hey girl, a lot of people knows that film, i dont think anyone believes that your fml is true

yeah I did, and I still think your an idiot. You have a twin so you wanted to look at your birth certificate. Why is the OP a 'loser' for not looking at theirs. First time I ever saw mine was when I went for my driver's license. I did find the story funny but to call them a loser is just ignorant.

bbobe900000 0

onigiriqueen- um, that's because you are the idiot.

Ouch, your parents must have been really really ashamed of you.. FYL

he could get drunk and kill his parents and blame it on the booze gotcha feelin loose