The day of reckoning

By ImFvcked - 24/11/2023 12:00

Today, I went to a friend’s Friendsgiving party with my girlfriend. When I got there, I saw my wife’s supervisor from her job. He recognized me, too. When I tried to save face saying my girlfriend was my sister, she got upset and corrected me. Way to throw me under the bus, babe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62
You deserved it 1 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're gonna be a complete asshole piece of s***t bottom feeding scumbag to your wife, then you need to set some ground rules with your side piece before hand. you know, like, take the hint about this kinda shit and don't correct me in public when I say ur my sister. or is she just dumb as a box of rocks.


if you're gonna be a complete asshole piece of s***t bottom feeding scumbag to your wife, then you need to set some ground rules with your side piece before hand. you know, like, take the hint about this kinda shit and don't correct me in public when I say ur my sister. or is she just dumb as a box of rocks.

So basically you are lying to both your wife and your 'girlfriend'? May Karma have a field day with your sorry ass.

MistressAfrodite 5

I hope he goes straight to your wife and tells her everything

I can't believe you expected you girlfriend to just roll with it. Might have worked if you coordinated with her but out of the blue that was a hell of a gamble.

you are garbage and I hope your wife gets everything. you are a loser

It's a few weeks early, but **** you. Ahem. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to find out karma came your way, hey! Also, I hope that bus eventually becomes more than a metaphor.