The long goodbye

By Anonymous - 22/12/2023 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend and I were fooling around when her dad burst in, proclaimed an, “Aha! I caught you you pervert!” moment and threw me out of the house. We’re in our 30s with kids, and jointly own that house. Having a father in law with Alzheimer's is great isn’t it? Just fecking great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 482
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow. sorry for what you're going through. slowly watching a parent lose it must suck, along with the situations it brings. just think of this incident as something you'll all look back on and laugh about. cuz otherwise you'll cry.

If you jointly own the house, jointly invest in a lock for your bedroom door.


wow. sorry for what you're going through. slowly watching a parent lose it must suck, along with the situations it brings. just think of this incident as something you'll all look back on and laugh about. cuz otherwise you'll cry.

incognitho 2

aww at least he remembers his daughter.

If you jointly own the house, jointly invest in a lock for your bedroom door.