The morning after the night before

By college student - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Oxford

Today, I woke up with a vicious hangover. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't woken up to dozens of cans strewn all over the floor. I don't remember buying half the store's supply of pork and beans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 048
You deserved it 9 366

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well if you ate all those beans, I don't think a hangover is the only problem you'll be experiencing today...

ileenefudge 29

Sounds like you should take a break from drinking for a while if you get so drunk that you can't remember what you did or where you went the night before.


Well if you ate all those beans, I don't think a hangover is the only problem you'll be experiencing today...

Post Apocalypse? Might be a sign OP. You may have prolonged your life.

Maybe they're for the nuclear apocalypse

If op didn't eat them all, they should turn it into a good deed and donate them to the food bank.

Slaught000 9

Lol you are an alcoholic if you get black-outs.

AnOriginalName 19

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iLike2Teabag 27

Did putting "lol" and alcoholic in the same sentence really offend you that much? Why so serious?

Dude #21 there was alcoholism in my family growing up but I wasn't the least bit offended or hurt by #2's comment...everyone knows it's a serious illness. relax, have a laugh, see the joy in life

AnOriginalName 19

Sorry, I wrote that while I was at work, and work had me pissed off tonight. Note for the future: don't work while you're FMLing.

A07 48

#34 shouldn't it be the other way around?

AnOriginalName 19

No, I think that's the right way.

At least you didn't wake up with someone in bed.

Slaught000 9

That would have been a good thing. Definitely better than waking up with cans of beans.

martin8337 35

Unless she looks like Frankenstein's daughter or something.

AnOriginalName 19

Or herpes. That tends to be a possible slight negative to waking up next to a stranger.

martin8337 35

Don't forget about the clap or AIDS.

ileenefudge 29

Sounds like you should take a break from drinking for a while if you get so drunk that you can't remember what you did or where you went the night before.

AnOriginalName 19

Or OP just needs to drink more to build up that tolerance so blackouts don't happen so much.

At least youre ready for an apocolypse?

I thought college students bought ramen in bulk....

SystemofaBlink41 27

I dunno... Being in a lecture with pork and beans in your stomach really doesn't sound that appealing.

if you have already eaten that entire supply, hangover won't be the only problem

Corvo_Attano_4 12

It would be cool if you found out that someone else bought them for you