The next day hangover

By CantHandleAlcohol - 17/05/2022 18:00 - United States - Loveland

Today, I got drunk enough to do cartwheels at a company party. In a dress. I work in HR, can’t land a cartwheel, or handle my alcohol. FML
I agree, your life sucks 232
You deserved it 1 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitten79TX 5

It always amazes me how many people think getting drunk at a work related event is a good idea. My rule of thumb. no more than 2 drinks. Period. No exceptions. And if I have red wine, only one, sipped slowly.

wysegirl 24

So did you just ignore your limits?


So, if they have the Drunk Olympics, you could compete in Gymnastics? Depending on how your dress flowed during your cartwheel, you might get reported to HR! And have to do a self-write-up.

wysegirl 24

So did you just ignore your limits?

kitten79TX 5

It always amazes me how many people think getting drunk at a work related event is a good idea. My rule of thumb. no more than 2 drinks. Period. No exceptions. And if I have red wine, only one, sipped slowly.

I don't drink at all at these parties, but I pretend like I'm drunk off my ass and I tell everyone exactly how I feel about them. And then spending the rest of the year apologizing. I've gotten many raises, bonuses and promotions using this strategy! Try it!