The season of the witch

By Anonymous - 22/10/2023 10:00 - Belgium - Charleroi

Today, a little girl and her mother stopped in front of my window to look at the witch I'd put there as a Halloween decoration. The little girl was smiling, so I lifted the curtain and smiled at her. When she saw me, she started to cry, and ran away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 519
You deserved it 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you wasted money on a decoration. You could just sit at your window and scare the shit out of people for free.

Kids do not like strangers looking at them. That was a creep move. No wonder she ran away.


Kids do not like strangers looking at them. That was a creep move. No wonder she ran away.

Looks like you wasted money on a decoration. You could just sit at your window and scare the shit out of people for free.

I think that's literally what happened and the point of this FML.

Sometimes your comments are just too funny :-) I press on the FMLs just to read them