This charming man

By NoAlibi - 06/05/2024 06:00 - United States

Today, I learned that it’s unwise to ask my cheating boyfriend, “What does she have that I don’t?” I was reduced to tears when he told me every single detail this new girl has that makes her so amazing. Now I’m researching plastic surgery and tummy tuck websites. FML
I agree, your life sucks 569
You deserved it 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't go getting plastic surgery to make yourself feel better for some POS.

d j mom 5

good riddance to that superficial s.o.b. that doesn't even care about you. what a pos for saying all of that to you. now you can go find a real man!


d j mom 5

good riddance to that superficial s.o.b. that doesn't even care about you. what a pos for saying all of that to you. now you can go find a real man!

Don't go getting plastic surgery to make yourself feel better for some POS.

Pink_Turnips 14

if its all in the appearance, just work on yourself naturally and move on. you'll thank the pos later. if its anything based on personality and attitude, MAYBE you may need to self reflect a bit. either way, this man isnt for you and the best option would be not to allow him to live in your head rent free

I'm sorry but WHY are you trying to be what a nasty, skanky POS thinks is attractive? I'd pull myself together and go boff his best mate or something and then skip off into a free and much brighter sunset... You'll be glad to be shot of him once the shock has worn off and you start realising just how much of an arsehole someone like that really is.

MxCrix3333 10

Him cheating has nothing to do with you being inadequate, and everything to do with him being a dick. The best way to improve is dump his toxic ass.

L0life29 6

it’s been proven that exercise, being outside in nature and healthier eating would do you much better than surgeries

tiptoppc 19

And it allows them to find someone who isn’t a complete wanker, and drives a busted up honda with triple spoilers and two large fart cannons at the rear.