Tight git

By Anonymous - 11/05/2023 12:00

Today, my kid's dad grumbled and complained about having to help me out buying clothes for him, because he was sure he just gave me money for clothes last year. I thought it would be fairly obvious that a 4 year-old would eventually need bigger clothes to accommodate the fact they are still growing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 926
You deserved it 151

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did he think, that the clothes would stretch or grow with the kid? Sheesh.

I suggest that you get court ordered child support arranged. It’s pointless to argue over stupid stuff like this… If you aren’t in a marriage with your child’s father then you need a legal support agreement for that child. That way there is no further arguing over exactly what is owed for support, and if deadbeat doesn’t want to pay, you can take legal action. That’s not supposed to mean that one parent alone pays for all the child’s expenses - It’s supposed to mean both share those expenses. The support agreement or decree sets up a monthly support amount that’s supposed to cover half of the child’s expenses.


What did he think, that the clothes would stretch or grow with the kid? Sheesh.

God forbid that he had to part with his precious beer $ to help care for his growing child.

I suggest that you get court ordered child support arranged. It’s pointless to argue over stupid stuff like this… If you aren’t in a marriage with your child’s father then you need a legal support agreement for that child. That way there is no further arguing over exactly what is owed for support, and if deadbeat doesn’t want to pay, you can take legal action. That’s not supposed to mean that one parent alone pays for all the child’s expenses - It’s supposed to mean both share those expenses. The support agreement or decree sets up a monthly support amount that’s supposed to cover half of the child’s expenses.