By noname - 04/12/2008 05:55 - France

Today, after having waited three long months, my shy girlfriend finally gave me a blowjob. Everything was going really well until I said, "Wow, you're really talented. Anyone would think you've been practicing your whole life." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 637
You deserved it 61 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deathwishkid 0

"3 long months"? god, guys really cant take comittment unless their whistle's being blown can they?

Candisalis 0

What the heck?! How is that sweet? Three months is extremely quick for anything like that. Apparently, you're a ho.


@Meh: Why is that quick? XD @OP: I'd take that as a compliment. I'd love to be that good! @i know the feeling: wtf... Why would it take so long? Poor you.

It's not a huge deal, but I can see where that story could've taken a wrong turn. But hey, it's not the end of the world. It happens. ^_^;;

deathwishkid 0

"3 long months"? god, guys really cant take comittment unless their whistle's being blown can they?

hanacurse 11

It's like the song. People are just terrible.

Or for some people the urges are very powerful, thus making 3 months with someone they find to be very attractive feel like a very long time.

livexmyxlife 0
Time2Remission 0 called your GF a d*cksucker.

I fail to see where that would be incorrect. But that's none of my business.

..that's exactly what my boyfriend said to me.

What on earth made you say something like that?

carolmc 0

iii think it's sweet that you guys waited that long !

Candisalis 0

What the heck?! How is that sweet? Three months is extremely quick for anything like that. Apparently, you're a ho.

briannabrocious 2

That was very rude. Waiting a long time doesn't make you a annoying prude and doing it within a shorter amount of time doesn't make you a ho. Now If it was with someone she's never meet before that one thing. Everyone has there own sense of when things should be done in a relationship.

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that is because you are in a real relationship

rofflewaffle 9

Ndvorsky, are you implying that a loving relationship between two people who enjoy pleasing one another sexually as an expression of love not "real?" Because not only is that absurd, it's also extremely offensive.