By unknown relationship - 28/06/2013 05:23 - United States - Shorewood

Today, after working at my job for months, I quit. Why? My boss tried to convince me that we are in a secret relationship, after he told me he loved me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 414
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Secret relationship" is just about the creepiest thing I've ever heard... "We're in a secret relationship, so it is perfectly fine for me to sneak in your room and watch you sleep! I also took a lock of your hair, and licked your toothbrush, because I secret love you!!"

XxXCrissyXxX 12

I guess it was a little too secret.


perdix 29

You should secretly record your boss's musings. Then, secretly play them back for your lawyer. This should get you a huge, secret sexual harassment settlement. Then, you can secretly love your ex-boss's big pile of money -- that's as close as he's going to get.

Why quit??? Record all of your conversation and sue him for sexual harassment! you can a good sum of cash easily

(time limit) and sue him, the fact that you can't make money anymore should be enough to win

You shouldn't have had to quit your job. That's sexual harassment, you should have reported him!

lifestory2 5

Why would you quit? Turn him in.

Damn, sorry OP. Hopefully you can find a better job soon!

Are u retarded? Why didn't u sue for sexual harassment?