By fml - 07/03/2010 15:46 - United States

Today, I agreed to let my boyfriend cover every inch of my body in whipped cream and lick it off. We were both enjoying it until his 9 year old sister walked in and started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 694
You deserved it 24 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrookeTrueblood 0

Why the hell would you do that with a 9 year old in the house?

ever heard of locked doors?? or u like traumatizing your younger sister at such a young age!


at least she didn't want to eat some whipped cream

oh well the kid is bein educated at a young age. take her out for some ice cream after ur done lol

_Sorry_ 0

F the 9 year old's life, she's probably never going to want to eat or see whipped cream again..

u shood hav licked her boobs and ****** her real good

damn! does NO ONE on FML have a lock on their door!?!?!?

why would u even do that if other people were home ydi