By frediqqq - 26/02/2015 04:21 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I am still finding glitter in my ass crack after a concert last night that had a confetti cannon. Thanks Marilyn Manson, I feel so metal now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 741
You deserved it 6 384

frediqqq tells us more.

Hi, OP here, yes it was The Enmore, and it was a great show. I actually went to see Apocalyptica, Manson was just an extra. I really don't know how it got in my crack, I was wearing clothes (a tight dress AND stockings). I was on the barrier, and right in front of the cannon. I was shaking it out of my hair all the way home, and thought I had gotten the most of it out. Unfortunately when I got undressed I found it had gotten into my clothes too, under my bra, all over my back. There was just so much of the stuff, the floor was thick with it! Needless to say I avoided Manson at Soundwave yesterday. I did see a bunch of glitter on the ground though when I went to the stage after for a different band! Haha herpes of the craft world - love it!

Top comments

How the heck does it get down there? Open your butt and face the cannon?

How does that even happen? Did you not have pants on or something?


How the heck does it get down there? Open your butt and face the cannon?

nonsensical 26

Hahaha that's craziness....... Yes.

kewpiesuicide 29

In burlesque they call it glerpes. It's impossible to get rid of and it will get everywhere

at MANSON shows he prefers to have the crowd face their assholes to him.

demonwolfmaster 26

Fairy herpes is another name for this evil stuff.

believe me, there is no place safe from glitter, it gets everywhere.

gobiteme2 34

Probably just came from work as a plumber.

weird stuff happens when Marilyn Manson is involved

How does that even happen? Did you not have pants on or something?

nonsensical 26

Who the hell wears pants to a concert?? Don't speak nonsense.

CAC_Boomerang 24

And a Marilyn Mansen concert at that too...

have you never come into contact with glitter? that shit gets EVERYWHERE whether you want it to or not

That's what you get for attempting a glitter cannon enema at a Marilyn Manson concert.

Was he trying to be one of The Beautiful People?

I think he was just trying to realize that sweet dreams are made of this

Why are you still looking? Just let your wiping stay fabulous, not really a FYL.

Into the fire Into the fire Into the fire Into the fire Fire, ohh Into the fire Fire, ohh