By Anonymous - 21/05/2019 14:11

Today, I ate dinner sitting on the floor. My petty roommate got pissed off during the weekend and decided the appropriate action would be to lock all the furniture in her room and refuse to give it back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 770
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All of it? Including a couch and coffee table possibly? How?

Is she the Petty roommate because she made you live like a refugee and she won’t back down?


All of it? Including a couch and coffee table possibly? How?

Is she the Petty roommate because she made you live like a refugee and she won’t back down?

Umm🙄 WOW since your the adult kick her ass out

Does she have a big bedroom, or do you guys have small furniture?

Lucky O'Guin 18

Did you not know how petty and childish she was before you moved in? If so, ydi. If not, gtfo asap.

Since you left out why they were pissed, I'm going to assume you have your part of responsibility in their reaction so YDI for selective details

lock the bathroom door and refuse to give her the key. see who breaks first.

tounces7 27

Well whose furniture is it?

smartjaguargurl 17

Take all the dishes and lock them in your room