By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 11:57 - United States - Howell

Today, I babysat an 11 year old kid while his parents ate out. As soon as they left, the kid asked me if I wanted to be on the sex offender's list. Before I could even process that, he told me to stay out of his way and he wouldn't accuse me of anything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 815
You deserved it 2 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Record him saying all of that, make 100% sure that it saved, and then call his parents and tell them to come home immediately to show them the video. That shit's not cool and he needs some serious discipline. (Make sure he doesn't know you recorded him and doesn't have access to your phone so he can't delete it).

MrZsDad 19

Should have told him to sit down and shut up before he ends up on a milk carton


That little shit, it's their kind that always turns out to be evil genius.

Tell the little shit's parents, that needs to be nipped in the bud.

and when kid says your lying and you did do something then threatened him?

Provide them with evidence like other commenters have said.

metalcrazed 21

If he said that right after the parents left and she called them right away she wouldn't have had time to do anything.

I'm not sure if I'm okay with this...o.o

How? This is seriously ****** up. I am definitely not okay with this.

MrZsDad 19

Should have told him to sit down and shut up before he ends up on a milk carton

He's 11, there were no milk cartons for his age group. Maybe tell him before he ends up on a FB page. Or even better, Amber alert.

17... I like the way you think. I would ask the little shit if he wants his picture on a milk carton for all his friends at school to see.

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

22- dude I love your pic!! that's awesome! did you do that yourself?

metalcrazed 21

You need to tell his parents and never babysit this kid again. If you don't someone might believe that you or the next babysitter is actually guilty all it takes it an accusation of this kind of thing to ruin a person's life.

The parents might be the type to think that their kid is a perfect, innocent, little angel and not believe OP or any other babysitter that tries to tell what the kid has been threatening.

metalcrazed 21

My point was if they know he said that and he tries to accuse someone else of that they will know he's lying.

Don't forget to spread the word through your community. No-one will babysit for them, and it protects others from false accusations.

comply, when the parents come back tell them that he threatened you. Throw that little shit under the bus!