By Fred - 06/01/2009 08:28 - France

Today, I couldn't take home the free weights I'd planned on buying to start bodybuilding 'cos I couldn't lift the box, which was too heavy for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 057
You deserved it 5 491

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nice that almost happened when i was buying more weight plates, and after carrying 60pounds to my friends car without hurting anything, the plates fell off the seat, and onto my foot =/

seems to me the store would have a dolly/handcart that you could use or that an employee could use to take them to your car.


codemancody 0

what happened to it being free?

StupidPeopleDie 5

"Free" Weights. A type of weights. Which he bought.

DmonicAngel 7
Mixed_steel 23

So ironic, and so familiar. Been there before!

Is self pity really the way to go after getting a reality check ?