By sadtimes - 22/01/2009 11:10 - Canada

Today, I decided to get a Blizzard from Dairy Queen. As bent down to put my pen away, my Blizzard somehow defied the laws of gravity and fell on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 231
You deserved it 4 251

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Falling isn't defying the laws of gravity. On the contrary, it's obeying them.


kksoooo 0

I don't think they have to.. But they should probably at least remake it for you. At least the one I work at would. (FML right there, btw)

Falling isn't defying the laws of gravity. On the contrary, it's obeying them.

Avalancheeeeeeeee! At least that's what I would have said. They should have replaced it. Kyzano

NO! :( this makes me so sad! i hope you got another one!

DarkestSaint 5

dude tell me how to do that FYL but that sounds awesome

Blizzards are so expensive. You should get a new one if you can.

123sploosh 0

wait i dont get it at all someone explain

Rikku95 0

blizzards are famous because they defy gravity. if you flip it upside- down, then it will stay in the cup. and if they don't stay in the cup, DQ replaces your blizzard.

TibAtSchool 0

Wait...whaaaatt??! But blizzards are supposed to stay to the cup!! This is insane!

wow I would love to see it fall up onto you. that'd be a new one for me.