By bummed - 04/11/2010 03:16 - United States

Today, I found out a 6-month pregnant woman is claiming my boyfriend to be the father. Even though this would have been previous to our relationship, he already has two kids from getting girls pregnant in high school. I guess he didn't learn his lesson the first two times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 181
You deserved it 16 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for dating a guy with two kids from different girls and expecting him to magically change with you Consider yourself lucky it wasn't you who got pregnant

aadk 0

He should totally go to Maury or Jerry Springer


sourgirl101 28

Does anyone else have the gut feeling that the OP has had unprotected sex with that guy also? What lesson are you planning to learn?

*raises hand* First thing I thought. If you have, OP, YDI. If you didn't have unprotected sex, but he's a deadbeat dad and you knew it, still YDI for being with him at all. If he's a deadbeat dad, you knew it, and you had unprotected sex, YDI to the tenth power. FYL too, though; it must be hard living life when you're dumber than a cat turd.

visage 0

lol, and I got fixed a six months after my daughter was born! You're stupid for staying, unless you want to help pay for three kids that are not yours. If that's the case he hit the goldmine with you. I'd love to find a girl who will help me pay my stuff!! What make you think you won't be #4? This dude sounds like he could talk the virgin Mary into going bareback.

and you were stupid enough to be with a guy that already had two kids in high school? you thought he would change just for you?

rofflewaffle 9

maybe he doesn't know what causes babies to be made or he is stupid.

TempestRain 0

Make sure your on the pill or have an IUD. His track record obviously sucks.

What Would Jesus Do? Get his a$$ nailed to a cross?

Ya there won't be any money left for your family if you stick w/this guy, so unless he is rich, runrunrun! Your