By Anonymous - 27/06/2009 10:11 - United States

Today, I found out that a co-worker of mine that I had originally hired, trained, and mentored to work in my department for the past 4 years had just got the promotion that I had applied for. He is now my boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 944
You deserved it 5 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments


DaBoss90 0

Stop whining and use that as motivation to work harder. Then when you get promoted pimpsmack his ass.

Kinda sucks, but hey, at least that says you did a really good job training him. :D

whatnow2859 0

Ya, I agree with #2. At least you didn't get fired. But that does suck, I mean you trained him/her. But hey, s/he might be a great boss for you considering that you basically made him/her. LOL #12! Good luck with the new boss! TEEHEE

He's probably smarter than you. Not all jobs are doled out via seniority. Talent sometimes rules and maybe your boss is just better than you.

Atleast you know that he won't probably won't fire you

Imagine that, promotions aren't given out for seniority, they are given out for performance!

mylifeisfedddddd 0

sounds like he was doing a better job than you were try harder, and you'll get the promotion too

Roffled 0

Hmm, was this at a Home Depot by chance? They have a habit of doing that.

Blue_Coconuts 7

Sounds somewhat like that episode of the Office... Either way, he either worked harder, or kissed ass better. It's part of life.