By LesboLover - 26/06/2019 02:30

Today, I found out that my crush is a lesbian. Everyone knew about it. Everyone also knew that I liked her. No one told me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 914
You deserved it 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To be frank, it wasn't their place to tell you. How dare they be decent humans by respecting her right to privacy.

So.... on a scale of 1 to 10, how oblivious are you? If EVERYONE knew she was a lesbian, and you didn't, either she doesn't trust you with that info, or you're thick as two short planks stacked together.


To be frank, it wasn't their place to tell you. How dare they be decent humans by respecting her right to privacy.

whys it private? she's obviously chosen to come out and make it public. theres no need to tip toe around it like it's some taboo. let the guy know he's not what she likes and move on.

If she has already come out and everyone knows it why wasn't the OP also aware. Everyone probably though he knew as well since it was a well known fact and didn't feel like that had to tell him something he already knows.

She chose to come out, which means it's her decision to tell people. If she didn't want the people she told to tell others, that's her right. Conversely, telling everyone you're an idiot is a necessary public service, and one I am proud to divulge.

So.... on a scale of 1 to 10, how oblivious are you? If EVERYONE knew she was a lesbian, and you didn't, either she doesn't trust you with that info, or you're thick as two short planks stacked together.

Must have been one serious crush if you somehow missed that one rather important information about the woman, when no one else did. Maybe get to know a person in the future before deciding they're your crush idk.

Why? If she has already come out and everyone knows it why wasn't the OP also aware. Everyone probably thought he knew as well since it was a well known fact and didn't feel like that had to tell him something they thought already knows since everyone knew about it.

theark 14

My first crush I ever had came out of the closet after high school. Its very obvious why she was a Tom boy by now.

Why should they? It's no ones business. Even if she's straight oh doesn't mean she has to like you.

Exactly. How did everyone besides them know. Are they that self absorbed that they don't see what everyone else did

It was no ones place to tell you about someone else business. If she has already come out and everyone knows it why wasn't the OP also aware. No one told them because everyone probably thought he knew as well since it was a well known fact and didn't feel like that had to tell him something he already knows. YDI 100%

I'm always amazed as to how people talk about how much they're crushing on someone and usually they dont know them at all. as in your case. ydi