By Symphoniaes - 22/05/2018 20:29

Today, I got fired from my job as a florist. Why? Because my boss made me come in with a stomach virus, and I threw up on the flowers in front of customers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 207
You deserved it 236

Symphoniaes tells us more.

Unfortunately in my state they don’t even need a reason for termination. :/ It’s fine though, I was only there temporarily to help with Mother’s Day and I have other resources available to me! ^~^

Top comments

This is terrible! I stopped to get you a bouquet to cheer you up ...but all the flowers smelled like puke


WeirdUS 29

Depends on where they live, and lawyers can be exspensive after court costs and lawyers fees they might be better off filing for unemployment.

Unfortunately in my state they don’t even need a reason for termination. :/ It’s fine though, I was only there temporarily to help with Mother’s Day and I have other resources available to me! ^~^

When the puke rose with violets from your stomach, you should’ve kept your tulips shut until you reached a toilet or an empty vase.

T3chie 13

That’s usually a very hard thing to do. She may not have been able to.

I know! Very few people have the talent to make three flower puns in one sentence.

T3chie 13

Sweetie I can do better than three, just don’t be such an asshole to someone who’s sick and probably can’t control where they throw up.

T3chie 13

Also with the way I worded my reply, your reply makes almost no sense.

it would be harsh if it was meant seriously but I believe it was a joke. Part of the fml experience is the jokey comments and Richard's was prime punny material.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. Your reply was implicitly referring to the OP’s ability to contain their vomit, but my reply thought you were discussing my singular ability to make three flower puns in not too many more words. You can’t beat that.

T3chie 13

I can’t reply to your last reply, so I’m replying to this one. No you moron, I was talking about one thing, and your reply talked about something completely different. If someone didn’t have the context, you’d look like a complete idiot. Bye bye birdie.

I intentionally misunderstood you for comedic effect. You are still standing at zero flower puns, proving my point that I have rare talent. I somehow think you are very good at keeping your vomit in. It would go with your charming personality.

manb91uk 22

Give it Up Dicky, you can't reply the dumb away..

T3chie 13

Lol you too? Do either of you have PhD’s? If so, let’s talk some more! I have two :)

T3chie 13

Richard, I’m aware. I’m trying to have an adult conversation, while you be a child. Please come back when you can be an adult.

manb91uk 22

Evidently the first PhD didn't remove the stick from your anus, what made you think a second would help?

This is terrible! I stopped to get you a bouquet to cheer you up ...but all the flowers smelled like puke

Roses ain't red Violets ain't blue I threw up on the flowers Now they all look ewww

Lobby_Bee 17

Did you feel daisy afterwards?

See, I told ya. Now what's up Chuck?