By Tal - 26/04/2009 15:14 - United States

Today, I got kicked in the face at a soccer game. Everybody clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 659
You deserved it 9 501

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dumbarse when a player gets injured in sports and gets up ok, people clap because the you're ok.


mylifeisnotfuckd 0

you sure they werent clapping for you when you got up after being injured? if you got kicked in the face, you probably fell to the ground, indicating you were injured. when you got up, people probably clapped for you

Aight seriously, people who say that people clap when you get up from being injured prob have never played sports. That does happen but from experience people clap because your an asshole/dirty player and deserved it.....

DCS1138 0
rachelbrianna25 0

They were either proud of you for making a fool out of yourself OR your just a dick. LOL. That's awesome though.

have you ever been to a soccer game before? people clap when someone gets hurt. it's supposed to be respectful to the person who got injured.

dumb shit people clap after a player gets hurt and is okay. jeez. played sports before??

dumb shit people clap after a player gets hurt and is okay. jeez. played sports before??

laxplayajd88 0

ouch who knows maybe they were clapping that u got up =)