By Its_Sinon - 12/11/2015 08:38 - United States - Oceanside

Today, I got married. After the ceremony, my sister asked to talk to me. I followed her and she told me that we are no longer related because we don't have the same last name anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 441
You deserved it 1 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait, is this how she thinks it works or was she choosing to disown you?

be like "oh good now I can finally pretend I don't know you"


you realize you can post one letter to be first and then go back and write a sensible comment in the 140 seconds it gives you to edit your comment. if you can't think of anything clever/witty/empathetic then just don't comment. this has been a PSA by bfrj

Wait, is this how she thinks it works or was she choosing to disown you?

Yeah I can't tell if she is being stupid or just acting like a jerk.

be like "oh good now I can finally pretend I don't know you"

Now is your time to take everything she has of yours back.

She couldn't have waited and let you keep on thinking you were for just a little bit longer?... Just kidding. What a dumb bitch.

Ask her,"who's your daddy." No, seriously.

Tell her that it was one of your main reasons for getting married, as it was getting too embarrassing to be related to someone so dumb. Unless she is telling you because she is upset about it, in which case make sure she knows that it doesn't change any between you.