By elevatorFAIL - 10/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, I got stuck in an elevator. After ringing the alarm bell consistantly for 10 minutes, I called someone I was staying with. She went down to the front desk and said that there were people stuck in the elevator. Front desk- "Is that what that is? I thought it was some kids messing around." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 965
You deserved it 2 948

elevatorFAIL tells us more.

elevatorFAIL 0

To clear this up: it was mainly because the people in the hotel were not helpful at all and this was just one of the last straws. The FML part was the guy at the front desk of the hotel in New Orleans was like the most unhelpful person ever. And it's also kind of akward if you don't exactly get along with the person you're stuck with. And no, I am not usually claustrophobic, but in extreme cases, like such, it is rather disconcerting. As for the cell phone service in the elevator, we were only about 4 inches up from the ground floor. And if FML let me post a longer story, it would have been entirely different. If the girl I called had posted, it would have been mainly about the fact that the hilarity of this whole situation caused here to piss herself. Especially with the fact that our adult leader used force to open the elevator doors...

Top comments

*Facepalm* WHY do these people get hired at all? It doesn't matter how many times a kid may 'cry wolf' in the NEVER ignore the alarm!

They seriously should lose their job. That's a life or death situation, it doesnt matter if it was a prank. You could have died. (allergic reaction, seizure, etc.) I'd personally **** their lives so hard they couldn't walk for a week.


How is this an FML? So you were stuck in an elevator for 10 minutes, big ******* deal. Life's full of shit and this isn't a fraction of it.

>_> Maybe she's claustrophobic? Ever considered that?

I'd have his job for not doing it properly in the first place.

yeah honestly i mean its annoying but 10 minutes? really? is your time THAT ******* precious?

I think the FML is that she could have been stuck in there for a helluva lot longer than that and no one would have bothered about it.

*Facepalm* WHY do these people get hired at all? It doesn't matter how many times a kid may 'cry wolf' in the NEVER ignore the alarm!

I lived near the elevators in a dorm. People did false alarms with the emergency alarm several times a week (especially weekend nights). Alternate suggestion: OP use the emergency phone standard in every elevator I've ever seen.

Complain until they get fired. There are non-idiots out there who can't find a job.

SPARTA But really... I remember my brother used to constantly push those bells, I don't REALLY blame them for not jumping at it. ._. Sorry though.

They seriously should lose their job. That's a life or death situation, it doesnt matter if it was a prank. You could have died. (allergic reaction, seizure, etc.) I'd personally **** their lives so hard they couldn't walk for a week.

Hah! Excellent point and I love your phrasing.

Imawhalerider 0

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kyle_kbo20 0

he didnt think it was real he thougt it was kids. so be patient? he wasnt comming at all

Imawhalerider 0

well i really mean how did this ruin your day even if someone is being stupid control your anger. If she felt she had to constantly press it for ten min he might not have thought it was a prank. Even if the person downstairs was being stupid. anger at stupid people gets nowhere.

ReasonsToFly 0

He had to constantly press the button because NOBODY WAS COMING.

Imawhalerider 0

The point of it all was that the person who was pressing got mad enough to write this, and a simple call solved everything.

Rosebleed 0

What if that elevator didn't have reception, smart ass? She would've been stuck there for freaking HOURS until the lazy ass receptionist went and checked it out. Even if she wasn't claustrophobic or in a life or death situation, it is still a JOB that people get PAID FOR just in case the not-so-rare occurance of someone being stuck in an elevator DOES happen.

#5 Dafuq is wrong with you? some people are claustrophobic, other got seizures, and many had heart attacks just by thinking they've got stuck in an Elevator. Besides, how can we indulge this kind off behavior when there are more qualified and more efficient people to do this job, and sadly they can't find any because assholes like this occupy them.

Do you do this to every FML? Do you try to come up with a reason for every FML to make it look like it's their fault? You are so stupid. I hope you get stuck in an elevator, #5.

Wow, the people at the front desks are jackasses. I hope you report them.

not really an fml.. just a wooooow and a long silence after, followed by an abrupt walk away

Glam_fml 0

What a bunch of morons. Luckily, you had a phone to call your friend with. They really should be fired and replaced with people with more than three functioning brain cells. 

Shadow_Phantom 26

Humanity has failed yet again. FYL.

Get them fired, seriously If i get stuck in an elevator I don't want to die because of some jerkass.