By ktin - 19/08/2010 12:02 - Australia

Today, I got wii fit, wii Mario kart and wii Mario galaxy for my birthday, I don't have a wii. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 459
You deserved it 4 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bbycakesb 0

just sell the games and use the money to buy something you can use :)


At least you got something for your birthday. My parents eventually bought me something, but I didn't get anything on my actual birthday because they couldn't be bothered.

Chrisskiies 0

Hey at least your parents got you something, although a bit late. But never late than never. :P

I suppose! I wouldn't have been too bothered by it if it hadn't been my 21st.

robc32ca 4

sounds like you family/friends are all wii-tarded

get a wii. return the gifts. you have many options.

Narwhaler 0

then buy one or sell the stuff u got

lol(: oh thts great.! just return them and get something else...everyone else has said tht already but it sounds smart to me...not tht hard OP.

shanayney 0

so go to GameStop and sell them or get a store credit. Geez it's not the end of the world nor worthy of an FML.

LightningLadyy 0

That's a good idea, I never thought of that haha :P