By whhhhyyyyyyy - 16/02/2017 03:03 - United States - Vallejo

Today, I had a Tinder coffee date. He picked me up, we went to a coffee shop, we talked about work. I was having a fine time, that is until I went to the restroom and came back to find him, his car, and my phone charger gone. That was my only charger, too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 328
You deserved it 871

allherenotthere tells us more.

OP here. Trust me, that was the first and last time I'll let a guy pick me up to go on a date. I'll admit, I'm kind of new to the Tinder thing, and it was slightly spontaneous, so that's why my phone wasn't charged. It was drained from a day of college classes, for those who are wondering. I think the sting of getting ditched for the first time was a little worse than having my charger stolen.

Top comments

You got into a car with a stranger you met online? You're lucky a missing phone charger is all you had to deal with.

Yet, on the bright side, it's a good thing most of us don't trust anyone easily and take our phones with us everywhere we go. At least a charger is cheaper than a phone, although the struggle of losing your only charger is real.


Yet, on the bright side, it's a good thing most of us don't trust anyone easily and take our phones with us everywhere we go. At least a charger is cheaper than a phone, although the struggle of losing your only charger is real.

rwg926 3

As a normal man brought up with values, I was taught to always offer a ride. And not to text and say I'm here if picking up at a house. I go and knock on the door

You'd go on a date with a stranger and get in their car without bringing along a phone in case you needed to call for help? Shit, that's daring. Or maybe you're just really, really trusting.

Welcome to Tinder, where the feelings are made up and the people you date don't matter. Sorry for your lousy date OP. It's thoughtless and cowardly to ditch a date, but to take their property in the act is even more disappointing. Hopefully you can get a hold of him about your missing charger.

You got into a car with a stranger you met online? You're lucky a missing phone charger is all you had to deal with.

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No, the OP quite clearly states that the guy picked her up and they went to a coffee shop. Obviously, unless she rode on the roof, she got into his car.

And what's wrong with having someone pick you up?

So with Tinder, it's either swipe left or swipe charger?

I don't know much about Tinder but I didn't think people were on there for coffee dates.

runswithlions 3

The only thing that sucks is that your charger was stolen. The guy though is not an fml. You wouldn't want that person in your life anyway. If anything he helped you out by being a dick so you wouldn't have to deal with dating an asshole. Less of an FML and more of a FTW to me.

...why'd you leave your phone charger in the first place?

Can't keep your phone charged long enough for a date and only own one charger. Wow you sure are planning ahead. Who takes a phone charger on a tinder date? Deserv totally.

YDI, but FYL simultaneously. YOU WENT IN A CAR WITH A STRANGER. But you was stolen from. so both

OP here. Trust me, that was the first and last time I'll let a guy pick me up to go on a date. I'll admit, I'm kind of new to the Tinder thing, and it was slightly spontaneous, so that's why my phone wasn't charged. It was drained from a day of college classes, for those who are wondering. I think the sting of getting ditched for the first time was a little worse than having my charger stolen.

Thanks for the follow-up! Better luck next time!

Why doesn't FML display comments by the OP in a different colour like they used to? Makes them much easier to find when you see they've commented.