By opherehehhehe - 25/06/2013 04:04 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I held a party for my family so I could announce my pregnancy. In the middle of my speech, my mother stopped me, saying, "Nobody gives a rat's ass, where's the booze?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 712
You deserved it 4 051

opherehehhehe tells us more.

opherehehhehe 5

The speech took less than 2 minutes, it was a brief message thanking everyone for coming and how me and my husband greatly appreciate it. The party was the only way to gather my whole family. A dinner reservation would cost hundreds of dollars considering the size of my family. My brother just led my mother out and we carried on. Yes, we did supply a little wine but be didn't want a lot of alcohol considering I am pregnant and I don't want anyone drunk. Just clearing it up (:

Top comments

perdix 29

She's just looking out for the health of your baby. Now that you can't consume your alcohol, your mom just wants to remove it from your home for safety's sake. You are blessed to have a mom who will "take one for the team!"

Wizardo 33

Evil grandmother: check. Alcohol fueled lifestyle: check. Beginnings of a Disney film: check. Now for the plot to unfold.


Well we all know what's on your mother's mind now

sorry your mom is such a douche. congrats on your pregnancy OP!

Hm. Threw a party for yourself? Speech? While your mom doesn't sound like the most nurturing lady around, I'm not getting the feeling that you suffer from low self esteem...

17- I was thinking that. surely a phone call saying 'i'm having a baby' would have sufficed? i intend on posting pictures of the scan to my family saying 'hi grandma/grandad/whatever!' but i think throwing a party just to announce it is a bit extravagant

17 and 25, most people like hearing about that sort of thing in person. Besides, why not throw a party? It's like an early baby shower and a reason to celebrate.

'fraid I'm in the 17/25 camp here. Maybe it's the British reserve talking, but OP's approach seems slightly dramatic. I'd rather hear this from my nearest and dearest directly and personally, not as part of an audience... She can always throw a celebratory party afterwards.

Wizardo 33

Evil grandmother: check. Alcohol fueled lifestyle: check. Beginnings of a Disney film: check. Now for the plot to unfold.

I'm pretty sure a movie like that doesn't even need a good plot.

This mom sucks way to be supportive!!! Mom, "what did you name her?" op, " beezie after her grandmother!!!!!!!!"

But one of the parents will need to be dead or die during the movie (at least in 90% of Disney movies that is)

perdix 29

She's just looking out for the health of your baby. Now that you can't consume your alcohol, your mom just wants to remove it from your home for safety's sake. You are blessed to have a mom who will "take one for the team!"

deepunder 17

It's a crying shame the Op can't drink. So thanks mom! (Sarcasm)

perdix 29

#12, you have seen the heroics I've done to help my diabetic friends and relatives.

But she said nobody gives a rats ass. She obviously doesn't give a ****.

You should have just said "Go home mom, you're drunk" and continued on. Seriously though while she may not agree, that was pretty rude. Tell her to save shit like that for when in private.

football98_fml 20

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mif_fml 27

This is FML. You can curse. ****! See?

I can see already a troll grandmother on the making right there!

Are you sure she wasn't intoxicated already?

I'd of said, "obviously you already found it mom!"

well thats no better then the wost mom in fml I read about which is "my mom burned my acceptance letter from yale out of jealousy"