By i fuckin love habaneros - 22/07/2016 19:19 - United States - Charlottesville

Today, I'm so deprived of female attention that I got a hard-on when a nurse told me I have beautiful veins. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 835
You deserved it 2 387

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be honest, OP, you planned that username out knowing it would appear next to the NSFW pepper, right?


SilentSin 23

I've had this exact same damn thing happen to me. I feel for you.

Maybe you should sign up for a dating website like Tinder! That could help your boner popping mishaps.

Don't confuse horny for lonely as often as they may coincide.

'Deprived' implies you are entitled to some level of female attention. Maybe you should start with a better attitude and some social skills first.

Hey, I would get a boner to if my nurse told me I had beautiful veins ?

I'm sure your veins are lovely, but they say that because big/well positioned makes their job easier

Maybe she really was into your vascular structure. You should have said "Yeah, those are hood and all, but check out my main vein"

Oh she was flirting with you... she wanted the vain.