By WickedLittleDoll - 01/12/2014 16:38 - United States - Laurinburg

Today, I realized my anger management has hit a new low when I screamed at a goose for being a goose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 639
You deserved it 8 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can totally imagine that haha "**** YOU GOOSE WHY ARE YOU A GOOSE!"

*sits with pad and pen* "...and how does that make you feel?"


I can totally imagine that haha "**** YOU GOOSE WHY ARE YOU A GOOSE!"


I have to question whether OP is named William Henry Devereaux Jr...

T_Young96 13

I hit rock bottom when I thought that read.. "I JUST WANT TO **** YOU GOOSE".. And for that.. I apologize.

Well with some people you scream at them for being stupid, and everybody knows, you cant fix stupid.

That's hilarious, sorry for you, though.

Op obviously saw the goose when she stormed outside after beating her daughter with a *****.

Wrong way around. OP got mad at the goose, only to come home to find OP's daughter's ***** thing and beat her with it

PePziNL 20

No no no, she beat the ***** with the goose because she was angry at it for being a duck... Uuhm, I'm confused.

OP was having a bad day after discovering her at shat on her favorite shoes. To calm herself she took a stroll around a pond. Along the way she came across this goose. The goose was just chilling out like a normal goose and OP needed to lash out on something, anything and the goose seemed like the perfect target

You're all wrong. The goose was the *****.

cheshirecat13242 32

Things being what they are has always pissed me off too

*sits with pad and pen* "...and how does that make you feel?"

I don't blame you. Geese are the worst.

Oyas12 14

It's ok, maybe you will react more positive to other animals?