By Less Friendship, More Cash - 06/05/2016 11:54 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, I realized one of my best friends was only friends with me because I would take her shopping, spoil her regularly, and help her out financially. She moved to another province and only contacted me whenever she wanted money. After I refused a couple of times, she deleted me on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 766
You deserved it 2 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy_bananas 31

You are a really good person, but you should probably stop doing all that for everyone. See who your real friends are OP.

Though it sucks right now, it's good you found this out and can move on - unhealthy friendships are not friendships worth keeping.


saffy66 34

It's her loss, not yours. Now you can focus on other, better friends

The one who I thought was the very best friend I had, was also like that. I didn't really notice it because I actually really like to buy people things that they like. She once told me 'You can prove everything you did for me because it's all material, I can't because evrything I gave you is psychological'. I guess that was all I meant for her.

I know how you feel unfortunately. :(

momac86 17

You're better off without her nothing wrong with treating a friend every now and then but don't let yourself be a doormat

ouijacorn 9

Isn't it great when the trash takes itself out?

That's why i don't wanna be a feminist.

LangenbackerRod 4

how did you not see that. do you have no other friends.

That's pretty crazy. It's one thing to use someone, and another to make a living off of it.

Been there done that. Except I'm the one that moved out of province.

xxWTFxx1981 23

I had a friend like that took me 10 years to realize before I cut off communication with them. They were a lot of fun though but while it was a blast it was an emotional one way street. You are better off...