By Anonymous - 18/05/2015 16:58 - Australia

Today, I saw a real, erect penis for the first time. My brother's, while he was jerking off. He doesn't know I saw, because he was holding a pair of panties over his face with his other hand. I'm trying like hell to act like I'm not mentally scarred. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 192
You deserved it 4 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't even know what to say other than I hope they weren't your panties and I'm so sorry

Damn. Must have been a hard situation to forget.


Wow, that's... I'm so sorry OP what has been seen can never be unseen

Time for a brain bleaching! Machine wash hot, but not heavy. Trying to get rid of that image.

And get a Jedi to do a Jedi mind trick and say 'these are not the penises you are looking for'.

Look on the bright side- you'll probably feel much better after just 3 rounds of therapy.

That is so traumatic!! I would probably avoid my brother for the next year or so. One time when I was young I walked into my parents room and my dad was naked and changing and that was the first penis I ever I can relate on the utter despair you're probably feeling. I remember sitting in my room just shocked, embarassed and disgusted for hours. And I learned to also always knock after that too.

If it wasn't erect and he was just changing normally, that's hardly that life shattering. Families often take baths, go to the bathroom, get changed, etc. together when children are young. I suppose it gets more embarrassing as you get older but it's still just a normal human body part. If you actually sat in your room feeling disgusted for hours then you must have been pretty damn sheltered and I'd say your attitude is more the problem than what actually happened.

dDailydDosage 8

Don't know why this comment got down voted. If she was traumatized from seeing her dad's penis, that's pretty understandable. Why would that make you think she was sheltered? I'd say that's a normal upbringing.

I'm sorry OP, I guess you have to use brain bleach asap.

If the door is closed knock or just wait...but there is not enough information on this to reveal it is true but that's my suggestion

The find a wizard to perform the obliviate charm on your memory.