By MBean - 24/10/2013 18:04 - Anguilla - The Valley

Today, I saw a wasp on the ground, apparently injured and unable to fly. It was being mobbed by ants and looked certain to die, so I stamped on the ants to save its life. At this point it sprung up, stung me, then flew off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 563
You deserved it 28 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graceinsheepwear 33

I am curious what code makes ants less worthy of life than wasps?


You were saving a WASP?! Do you even know what good they are for the environment? ******* shit up. Nothing else. **** wasps. YDI.

It was thanking you for the ability to KILL AGAIN

OP, what the hell did you expect to happen? For the wasp to give you a fist bump and offer to buy you a beer? It's a wasp. They're not generally known for being civil.

Poor misunderstood wasp. It just wanted to kiss you.

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Just let the wasp die. They aren't beneficial to the food chain.

Just know, that because it stung you, it will die soon.

Wrong, wasps can sting infinite times and not die. You are talking about bees.

Why the hell would you save a WASP? Kill IT, not the ants!

I fail to see why you would save a wasps that looks like it can't fly and will die soon... At least the ants could've had a nice meal and you took that away from them! YDI