By HWS - 15/04/2011 05:47 - Canada

Today, I sneezed so hard I fell down the stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 281
You deserved it 7 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thaney18 0

Lol I'm picturing it in my head

MrGold 0

If only you had farted at the same time you would have kept your balance.


thaney18 0

Lol I'm picturing it in my head

MrGold 0

I'm picturing poking random girls in my head :p

im picturing pictures while getting head. also op, if they could harness the power of that sneeze, we could power the world

#10, I'm sure #1's picturing you in her head too. Jokes people.

Sniper_Fidelis 1

I'm picturing #1 giving #10 head while he pokes random girls with the device used to brand cattle.

thaney18 0

SMFH! I'm guessing I should have said "mind" instead of head.

if we could harness the power from ur insanity, we could power the entire universe!

staceysgenesis16 0

im picturing myself picturing you guys picturing tue pictures that are somewhat humorous to everybody who are reading these comments .. wow tht was stupid .. NVM

fyl12345678901 0

how in the blue monkey he'll do u do that

fyl12345678901 0

how in the blue monkey he'll do u do that

I'm picturing it too and it's pretty funny too hahahahaha

madisonkelly9 0

Hahahahah that sucks! but it's so funny! sorry!

Happened to me once. Although I lost my balance on ice when I sneezed and someone cut up my neck with the skates. What can ya do about it, ya know?

So casual about having your neck cut... well i guess there was ice to put on it

Gamzee_fml 0


ZoroFresh 0

welcome to the dark carnival, ************

Don't laugh at him, that's Snot funny! Haha, just had to sneak a booger joke in :p

omg112 0

happens to me alot. clumsy much

Those jokes were short lived. Did make me giggle though. Bravo.

shawnayandell 0

LMAO, that sucks for you but so funny for everyone else. :D

ImaWiseGuy 5

sweet pj's, rockstar status.........

MrGold 0

If only you had farted at the same time you would have kept your balance.

But if OP sneezed and farted at the same time, they'd explode. It's true kids, try this one at home!

I once farted, and fell up the stairs..? Nah. I have never done that. But just testing my joke out. :P

MrGold 0

It was funny at first. Like a small giggle wanted to come out. Then I realized it was a failed attempt. Nice try though. I'm just playing that was funny. lol Must have had some cheese or something for that to happen. Was there a little NASA station around counting down 3,2,1 We have lift off!

JFloUnknown 24
MuffyStJacques 0

That must have been one hell of a sneeze.