By Anonymous - 03/02/2010 20:04 - United States

Today, I walked outside, slipped, busted my head, and had to get 7 stitches. Turns out my son thought it would be funny to spray the sidewalk with water last night so it would freeze. He got a laugh, and I spent over $100 on the stitches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 421
You deserved it 2 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So how long is he grounded for? I hope he didn't get away with it.

Sounds like a kid with a unique sense of humor. He has my respect.


take some vaginal lube and cover the bottom of the tub before he gets in there to shower. dishwashing liquid (clear) will work as a distant second

Not only would that kid be paying for the stiches, but also doing yard work/cleaning intil he's 30

the kid just produced an epic win, in my book.

glad I'm not American. in the uk it's all free :-D

yea, heaven forbid if you need diagnostic testing, such as an MRI. you'll die waiting for it.

Wolfman_Paladin 0

lol. ya id much rather pay for my tests and get them when i need them, not ten years later

Although that does suck, I'm kinda tempted to say YDI for not noticing the ice.

kelleyb323 0

you deserve it for not keeping an eye on your kid. plus you obviously didn't raise him well if he thinks it's funny when you get hurt.

rosea888 0

haha pranks gone bad are ****** hilarious! sometimes..... lmao