By Anonymous - 11/05/2014 22:49 - United States - Belmont

Today, I walked outside to see my boyfriend standing on my porch, looking confused. He explained to me that he had attached a prom proposal note to his pet rabbit, and let it inside my house to find me. We went looking for said rabbit, and found my dog halfway through eating it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 313
You deserved it 5 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor bunny :( That's a pretty unique way of asking someone to prom. Usually they use dogs or cats for the note. Did she go to prom with u at least?

kakakarotcake 17

Your boyfriend should have thought that through. poor rabbit


I seriously hope he's not your boyfriend anymore or your prom date. What a maroon.

He can't be any more stupid than the person calling him a maroon

Oh GOD that's bad. Not gonna lie, though, the stupidity of that idea outweighs how adorable it is.

He's your boyfriend and he didn't know you had a dog? What a stupid guy, even if you had no dog the bunny would've just pissed and shit all over your floor anyway, and probably chewed stuff up too. And he got his own pet killed - I hope you dumped him AND refused the prom proposal.

chriisteex 10

I'm just going to assume you meant your dog ate the prom note or I'll start feeling sad for the rest of the day.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#77, then why would he have dated her for two years?

StillUsesMyspace 22

If only everyone on this thread had read the importance of being earnest. It makes fun of every concept mentioned here. "why do I need to ask if we're dating" "I have to know the answer before I ask" "why date someone you dislike" ... etc. thanks school.

Sounds like a harey situation..he should hire bugs bunny next time.