By jerdub93 - 19/11/2011 08:40 - United States

Today, I was eating cereal while absentmindedly reading the box. I was amused when I found it expires on my birthday. Then I realized it expired on my birthday two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 100
You deserved it 28 359

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Hey, wait, my Rice Krispies are moving.

sunsetsbetween56 3

Must have been good for you to keep eating it..


every1luvsboners 11

I guess we could refer to you as a cereal killer. No? Someone had to do it.

sdelawsky 2

Cereal doesn't really go bad, just goes stale. With all the preservatives and crap in it, you will probly be fine.

No, Op, that white fluffy stuff was not coconuts...

FMLsOhilarious 6

You didn't notice that it tasted weird?

It probably didn't taste weird. Depending on the type of cereal, even stale they dont taste that different. And if the plastic was still sealed, it's probably in perfect condition.

eww!!! really? that sucks, well anyways happy birthday...

icanhazblivions 1

cereal hardly ever expires because it is dehydrated doofus. it will get stale many years after the date but it will never make you ill.

Yup, it's BEST before meaning good still just not the best. It worries me when it says Expire!