By unforgettablee - 29/04/2013 07:08 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I was getting into the mood with my boyfriend. Ten minutes into it, I told him to "teach me a lesson." His response: "I ain't no teacher." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 731
You deserved it 13 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's because he's a substitute teacher, and we all know they never know the lesson.

lhazz11 23

Maybe you should give him grammar lessons instead of sex sessions


men so clueless sometimes, hasn't he ever heard of role playing what a mood killer.

ViviMage 38

I are not no teacher. Someone should teach him that double negatives are frowned upon in English, but ok in Spanish!

unixdude 9

Am I the only one to realize "teach me a lesson" means "beat the shit out if me"? Your BF did you a favor, sweetheart.

no, everyone realised it. Just no one else felt the need to comment the obvious. Now go back and sit in the cupboard.

It also doesn't always mean "beat the shit out of me". In many **** videos it just means "Screw me really hard and maybe pull my hair a bit" Usually while the man mumbles phrases like "yeah take it, this will teach you to flirt with Ted".

sorry chibichibi, I thought unixdude meant what you said. Joys of being dyslexic.

She said something smexi. Anyway, why can't people just have sex? Talking seems to ruin sex. Well, not really, but only the stupid people like that guy.

Tim2415 16

"I AIN'T NO teacher" well that just explains it all...